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OIC Annual report

Si è tenuta oggi a Roma presso Palazzo Altieri la presentazione della relazione sull’attività 2014 dell’OIC. Al convegno, oltre al Presidente del Consiglio di Sorveglianza dell’OIC, Paolo Gnes, e al Presidente del Consiglio di Gestione, Angelo Casò, sono intervenuti Marco Onado, membro dei Trustees dell’IFRS Foundation, Gian Paolo Ruggiero in rappresentanza del Ministero...

Feedback statement on responses to Discussion Paper Separate Financial Statements published

In September 2014, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG), the Spanish Instituto de Contabilidad y Auditoría de Cuentas (ICAC), the Italian Organismo Italiano di Contabilità (OIC) and the Dutch Raad voor de Jaarverslaggeving (RJ) issued a Discussion Paper Separate Financial Statements. The paper considers how financial statements of a parent or investor are used in Europe for economic decision...

IASB issues the ED Classification of Liabilities (Proposed amendments to IAS 1)

The IASB published for public comment the Exposure Draft Classification of Liabilities (Proposed amendments to IAS 1). The proposed amendments are designed to improve presentation in financial statements by clarifying the criteria for the classification of a liability as either current or non-current. The document is open for comments until 10 June...

OIC, EFRAG and the ASBJ have published a feedback statement that summarises the responses received on the Discussion Paper “Should Goodwill Still Not Be Amortised? – Accounting and Disclosure for Goodwill

OIC, EFRAG and the ASBJ have published a feedback statement that summarises the responses received on the Discussion Paper Should Goodwill Still Not Be Amortised? – Accounting and Disclosure for Goodwill   OIC, EFRAG and the ASBJ decided to publish in July 2014 a Discussion Paper to stimulate and progress the debate on accounting and disclosure requirements of acquired goodwill before the IASB formally...

OIC issues OIC 24 Intangible Assets

Nell’ambito del progetto di aggiornamento dei principi contabili nazionali, si pubblica il Principio contabile OIC 24 Immobilizzazioni immateriali, approvato in via definitiva dagli Organi dell’OIC. Tale Principio si applica ai bilanci chiusi a partire dal 31 dicembre 2014.

Commission Regulations (EU) No 2015/28 and 2015/29

The Commission Regulation (EU) No 2015/28 and the Commission Regulation (EU) No 2015/29 of 17 December 2014, published in the Official Journal of the European Union L 5 on 9 January 2015, adopt, respectively, the Annual Improvements to International Reporting Standards 2010-2012 Cycle and   Amendments to IAS 19 – Defined Benefit Plans: Employee Contributions. Each company shall apply the amendments, at the...

The OIC is helping the IASB to understand preparers’ views on accounting changes by conducting a short survey

The IASB is undertaking a project on Principles of Disclosure, with a view to incorporating IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements, IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows and of IAS 8 Accounting policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors into one Standard. The objective of the work being undertaken by Organismo Italiano Contabilità (OIC) in this project is to review whether there are aspects of IAS 8 that...

The OIC is helping the IASB to understand investor views on accounting changes by conducting a short survey

The requirements in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), in particular in IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors, make a distinction between how an entity should present and disclose different types of accounting changes in its financial statements. Currently, requirements for presentation and disclosure of a change in an accounting policy are much stricter than for a...
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