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IASB issues Equity Method in Separate Financial Statements (Amendments to IAS 27)

The IASB published Equity Method in Separate Financial Statements (Amendments to IAS 27). The amendments to IAS 27 will allow entities to use the equity method to account for investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates in their separate financial statements. For more information, please refer to IASB website. Please find the press release herewith...

OIC issues additional accounting standards

Nell’ambito del progetto di aggiornamento dei principi contabili nazionali, si pubblicano gli altri Principi contabili, approvati in via definitiva dagli Organi dell’OIC. Si tratta dei Principi contabili: OIC 9 Svalutazioni per perdite durevoli di valore delle immobilizzazioni materiali e immateriali OIC 10 Rendiconto finanziario OIC 12 Composizione e schemi del bilancio d’esercizio OIC 13 Rimanenze OIC 14...

IASB issues IFRS 9 Financial Instruments

The IASB completed the final element of its comprehensive response to the financial crisis by issuing IFRS 9 Financial Instruments. The new Standard will come into effect on 1 January 2018 with early application permitted. For more information, please refer to IASB website. Please find the press release herewith...

OIC, ASBJ and EFRAG publish Discussion Paper on Goodwill

L’OIC, lo standard setter giapponese (ASBJ) e l’EFRAG hanno pubblicato il Discussion Paper “Should Goodwill Still Not Be Amortised? – Accounting and Disclosure for Goodwill”, al fine di contribuire al dibattito sul goodwill, in particolare in merito a come debba essere contabilizzato e sulla relativa informativa da fornire. Per informazioni sul progetto, cliccare qui The ASBJ, EFRAG and OIC jointly...

OIC, the National Standard Setters ANC, ASCG, FRC and EFRAG invite companies to participate in an additional public consultation on lessee accounting

On 16 May 2013, the IASB issued the revised Exposure Draft Leases (the ED). After the comment period ended in September 2013, the IASB and the FASB (the Boards) started the re-deliberation process. In March 2014, the two Boards tentatively decided to support two different approaches for lessees. The IASB proposed a single model based on Type-A lease accounting. The FASB proposed a model that, based on IAS 17...

OIC issues the accounting standards OIC 15 Crediti, OIC 20 Titoli di debito and OIC 21 Partecipazioni e azioni proprie

With regard to the project about the update of the national accounting standards, the final standards OIC 15 Crediti, OIC 20 Titoli di debito and OIC 21 Partecipazioni e azioni proprie are published. These standards are applied as from the financial year closing on or after 31 December 2014. An early application is...

Commission Regulation (EU) No 634/2014 adopts IFRIC 21 Levies

The Commission Regulation (EU) No 634/2014 of 13 June 2014, published in the Official Journal of the European Union L 175 on 14 June 2014, adopts the Interpretation IFRIC 21Levies. This Interpretation addresses the accounting for a liability to pay a levy if that liability is within the scope of IAS 37. It also addresses the accounting for a liability to pay a levy whose timing and amount is certain. Each company...

IASB issues ED Investment Entities–Applying the Consolidation Exception (Proposed amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28)

The IASB published for public comment the Exposure Draft Investment Entities–Applying the Consolidation Exception (Proposed amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28). The proposed amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28 are designed to clarify some issues about the application of the requirement for investment entities to measure subsidiaries at fair value instead of consolidating them. The document is open for comments until...
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