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Draft OIC 26 Transaction, assets and liabilities in foreign currency issued for public comments

We are pleased to inform you about the launch of the consultation on the draft of the national accounting standard OIC 26  Transaction, assets and liabilities in foreign currency, as part of the project of their updating.

The OIC aims to improve the structure of national accounting standards in order to make them easier to read and at the same time to facilitate updates and amendments that will be necessary in the future.

The draft accounting standard is accompanied by a descriptive document, which presents the most relevant changes made to the text currently in force, in order to facilitate the analysis of the document and to stimulate comments.

The drafts open for comments can be downloaded from the project page.

You are kindly invited to send any comments preferably by 31 October 2013 to the e-mail staffoic@fondazioneoic.it or by fax at 06.69766830.

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