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Draft IFRS Application “IFRIC 12 – Accordi per servizi in concessione” published for public comment. Update to OIC 12 published

 The Executive Board of OIC published for public comment the “Applicazione IFRS – IFRIC 12 – Accordi per servizi in concessione”. The document is open for comment until 16 April 2010.
Given the complexity of the Interpretation, that has been adopted by EU, and the potential effects on the financial statements of the Italian companies, the OIC decided to develop a paper that explains the Interpretation as well as to assist the preparers in order to apply it to the local situation.
Please find the document and its introduction herewith attached.

Furthermore, the Executive Board approved the final version of the “Appendice di aggiornamento al Principio contabile OIC 12 – Informazioni nella nota integrativa relative a operazioni con parti correlate e accordi fuori bilancio (art. 2427 n. 22-bis e n. 22-ter cod. civ.)”.

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