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OIC meeting “Connectivity between financial and sustainability reporting: developments and future challenges”

The conference on the connectivity between financial statements and sustainability reports, promoted by the Italian Accounting Standards Board (OIC), was held yesterday in Milan. The event was introduced by EY President Beatrice Amaturo and OIC President Michele Pizzo. The President of the Accounting Principles Committee, Simone Scettri, opened the technical segment of the conference, followed by presentations from Florian Esterer, a IASB member, Sébastien Harushimana, EFRAG Financial TEG chair, and Vincent Papa, EFRAG Technical Director.

A round table discussion followed, moderated by OIC Technical Director Tommaso Fabi, featuring leading figures from the academic and business sectors such as Ettore Abate, Luca Cencioni, Alessandro Lai, Sabrina Pucci, Angelo Scipioni, and Elisabetta Stegher.

The press release is attached.

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