- This event has passed.
EFRAG-OIC outreach event “Revenue Recognition & Leases”
5 May 2011
The EFRAG and the Organismo Italiano di Contabilità (OIC) would like to invite you to participate in an Outreach event. The purpose of which is to gather useful input to help the IASB in the finalisation of the standards on Revenue Recognition and Leases and to ensure that the final standards are suitable for use in Europe. The event will be attended by IASB representatives.
The event is an important occasion to discuss directly with IASB representatives, who will attend the meeting, the most critical aspects of the Revenue Recognition and Leases projects.
The outreach event is scheduled to take place in Rome on Thursday 5 May 2011, from 10.30 to 16.30 hours CET. It will be held Congress Center Roma Eventi – Fontana di Trevi, piazza della Pilotta, 4.
To register for the event, please send the separate registration form by e-mail to presidenza@fondazioneoic.it
We would appreciate it if you register before 20 April 2011. Participation is limited to a maximum of 200 people. Responses received after that date will be accommodated, logistics permitting.
The meeting will be held in English.
Please find an illustrative paper about the initiative, the agenda and the EFRAG staff paper regarding the exposure drafts Revenue Recognition and Leases including the IASB re-deliberation herewith attached.
The EFRAG invites who can not attend the event to send comments/doubts on the IASB tentative decisions to commentletters@efrag.org