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EFRAG-IASB Financial Instruments discussion forum

EFRAG is hosting an IASB discussion forum to provide European stakeholders with the opportunity to ask questions, raise possible concerns and provide comments about the IASB’s proposals on hedge accounting, impairment of financial assets and offsetting of financial assets and liabilities, in an open dialogue with an IASB delegation of Board members and staff.

Input received will best inform the IASB of those of their proposals which are supported and those which need to be reconsidered, and also be useful to EFRAG’s own due process.

However, even if you are unable to attend the discussion forum in person, EFRAG would still welcome your comments. You are therefore invited to submit your views, comments and potential areas of concern by email to info@efrag.org by Thursday 24 February 2011, to ensure that those points can be raised on your behalf by the EFRAG staff with the IASB Board members and staff attending the meeting.

Please find the registration form and the EFRAG press release herewith attached.

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