OIC’s comment on IASB ED Deferred Tax

The OIC’s comment letter on IASB ED Deferred Tax: Recovery of Underlying Assets – Proposed Amendments to IAS 12, in reply to EFRAG’s draft comment letter is now available. The same comments...

IASB issues additions to IFRS 9 for financial liability accounting

The IASB has today issued requirements on the accounting for financial liabilities. These requirements will be added to IFRS 9 Financial Instruments and complete the classification and measurement phase of the...

OIC’s comment on IASB ED Revenue for Contracts with Customers

The OIC’s comment letter on IASB ED Revenue for Contracts with Customers is now available. The document is...

OIC’s comment on “IFRS Interpretation Committe’s tentative decision on IAS 36 Calculation of value in use”

The OIC’s comment letter on IFRS Interpretation Committe’s tentative decision on IAS 36 Calculation of value in use, in reply to EFRAG’s draft comment letter is now available. The same comments...

OIC’s comment on IASB ED Removal of Fixed Dates for First-time Adopters

The OIC’s comment letter on IASB ED Removal of Fixed Dates for First-time Adopters, in reply to EFRAG’s draft comment letter is now available. The same comments have been sent to the IASB. The...
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