IASB issues ED Presentation of Items of Other Comprehensive Income – Proposed Amendments to IAS 1

The IASB has today published for public comment proposals to improve the consistency of how items of Other Comprehensive Income (OCI) are presented. The exposure draft Presentation of items of Other...

OIC launches a project on the review of Italian GAAP

The OIC has decided to launch a project aimed at revising the existing national accounting standards for the updating and implementation. In order to maximize the efficiency of the project, the OIC aims to...

OIC’s comment on ED Measurement of Liabilities in IAS 37

 The OIC’s comment letter on IASB ED Measurement of Liabilities in IAS 37 is now available. The document is enclosed

IASB issues ED Fair Value Option for Financial Liabilities

The IASB today published for public comment its proposed changes to the accounting for financial liabilities. This proposal follows work already completed on the classification and measurement of financial...

OIC’s comment on amended draft comment letter EFRAG on ED Measurement of Liabilities in IAS 37

The OIC’s comment letter on IASB ED Measurement of Liabilities in IAS 37, in reply to EFRAG’s amended draft comment letter is now available. Please find the document herewith...
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