IASB publishes “Improvements to IFRSs”

The IASB issued Improvements to IFRSs – a collection of amendments to seven International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) – as its latest set of annual improvements. Unless otherwise...

IASB issues ED Defined Benefit Plans – Proposed amendments to IAS 19

The IASB published for public comment an exposure draft of proposed amendments to IAS 19 Employee Benefits. The proposals would amend the accounting for defined benefit plans through which some employers...

ED of the national accounting standard “Ristrutturazione del debito e informativa di bilancio” published for public comment

The Executive Board of OIC published for public comment an exposure draft of the national accounting standard “Ristrutturazione del debito e informativa di bilancio”. The document is open for...

OIC’s comment on compatibility IFRS for SMEs and UE directives

The OIC’s comment letter on the compatibility beetween IFRS for SMEs and UE directives, in reply to EFRAG’s draft advice is now available. Please find the document herewith...

OIC will be a non-voting member of EFRAG TEG

The EFRAG Supervisory Board agreed that the Italian National Standard Setter (OIC) will be a non-voting member of EFRAG TEG with speaking rights. With this decision of the Supervisory Board the OIC, therefore,...
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