Programme – OIC, EFRAG, Assonime and Luiss University joint outreach event “SMEs Voluntary Sustainability Reporting: EFRAG Exposure Draft and Data Demands from Financial Sector and Large Understakings“

OIC, EFRAG, Assonime and Luiss University invite to the joint outreach event “SMEs Voluntary Sustainability Reporting: EFRAG Exposure Draft and Data Demands from Financial Sector and Large...

OIC pubblica in consultazione la bozza del Principio contabile OIC 5 – Bilanci di Liquidazione

L’OIC pubblica in consultazione la bozza del Principio contabile OIC 5 – Bilanci di Liquidazione. La necessità di aggiornamento del principio nasce dalle criticità riscontrate dagli operatori...

EFRAG&OIC joint outreach event on IASB Exposure Draft on Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity

In data 12 marzo 2024 presso la Torre PwC di Milano, si è tenuto l’EFRAG&OIC joint outreach event sull’Exposure Draft dello IASB “Financial Instruments with Characteristics of...

Save the Date – OIC, EFRAG, Assonime and Università Luiss Guido Carli joint outreach event “SMEs Voluntary Sustainability Reporting: EFRAG Exposure Draft and Data Demands from Financial Sector and Large Understakings”

OIC, EFRAG, Assonime and Luiss University invite to the joint outreach event “SMEs Voluntary Sustainability Reporting: EFRAG Exposure Draft and Data Demands from Financial Sector and Large...

IASB consults on Addendum to ED Third edition of the IFRS for SMEs Accounting Standard

IASB has published for public comment the Addendum to the Exposure Draft Third edition of the IFRS for SMEs Accounting Standard, which supplements the exposure draft published in September 2022. The proposals...
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