Save the Date – Webinar on IFRS Foundation Consultation Paper on Sustainability Reporting

L’OIC invita a partecipare al webinar sul Consultation Paper on Sustainability Reporting pubblicato dall’IFRS Foundation. L’evento sarà in streaming l’11 dicembre 2020, dalle 10.00 alle...

IASB publishes the Discussion Paper Business Combinations under Common Control

The IASB has launched a public consultation on possible new accounting requirements for mergers and acquisitions involving companies within the same group—business combinations under common...

IASB consults on Lease Liability in a Sale and Leaseback (Proposed Amendments to IFRS 16)

The IASB has proposed to amend IFRS 16 Leases by specifying how a company measures the lease liability in a sale and leaseback transaction. The Exposure Draft Lease Liability in a Sale and Leaseback (Proposed...

Save the date – Joint outreach event on the IASB Discussion Paper “Business Combination: Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment

OIC, EFRAG and IASB are very pleased to invite you to the joint outreach event on the IASB Discussion Paper “Business Combinations: Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment” on 25 November...

OIC pubblica in consultazione documento interpretativo delle disposizioni transitorie in materia di principi di redazione del bilancio

L’OIC pubblica in consultazione la bozza del documento Interpretativo n. 8 Legge 17 luglio 2020, n.77 “Disposizioni transitorie in materia di principi di redazione del bilancio”. Si prega di inviare...
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