Commission Regulation (EU) No 2015/2113 adopts Amendments to IAS 16 and IAS 41 – Agriculture: Bearer Plants

The Commission Regulation (EU) No 2015/2113, published in the Official Journal of the European Union L 306 on 24 November 2015, adopts Amendments to IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment and IAS 41...

OIC comments on the EFRAG Draft Letter to the European Commission on further information related to the endorsement of IFRS 9

The OIC comment letter on EFRAG draft letter to the European Commission on further information related to the endorsement of IFRS 9 is now available. Please find the document herewith...

IASB invites comments on proposed amendment to IAS 40 and proposed annual improvements

The IASB published for public comment two Exposure Drafts. The first covers a proposed narrow-scope amendment to the investment property Standard “Transfers of Investment Property (Proposed amendment to...

EFRAG has published its draft comment letter on Draft IFRIC Interpretation Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments

EFRAG has published its draft comment letter in response to the Draft IFRIC Interpretation  Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments and seeks constituents’ views on the proposals. Comments on the draft...

EFRAG’s Draft Comment Letter on the IASB’s Draft Interpretation Foreign Currency Transactions and Advance Consideration

EFRAG has issued its draft comment letter on the IASB’s Draft Interpretation Foreign Currency Transactions and Advance Consideration. EFRAG requests comments by 13 January...
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