EFRAG publishes a questionnaire on the proposed definitions of assets and liabilities

In order to test whether the definitions proposed in the IASB Exposure Draft on the Conceptual Framework are understandable, EFRAG asks you to assess whether nine arrangements give rise to items that would...

Joint Outreach Event on the Revision to the Conceptual Framework – Rome

EFRAG, the Italian OIC and the IASB announce a joint outreach event to be held in Rome on Monday 30 November 2015 The objective of this joint outreach event, which is part of a series, is to discuss the...

EFRAG has launched its own Proactive Agenda Consultation

EFRAG has launched its own Proactive Agenda Consultation in parallel with the IASB’s 2015 Agenda Consultation to ensure that EFRAG is allocating resources in an optimal way to research work on important...

EFRAG has published its draft comment letter on the 2015 IASB Agenda Consultation

EFRAG has published its draft comment letter in response to the Request for Views of August 2015 IASB Agenda Consultation discussing the main priorities for the IASB’s work plan. EFRAG is seeking...

IASB to consult on temporary measures relating to the effective dates for IFRS 9 and the new insurance contracts Standard

The IASB has confirmed that it will consult on a package of temporary measures to address concerns about issues arising from implementing the financial instruments Standard before the new insurance contracts...
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