IASB completes Post-implementation Review of Business Combinations Standard

The IASB announced the completion of its Post-implementation Review of IFRS 3 Business Combinations and the publication of the Report and Feedback Statement. It shows general support for the accounting...

Technical Meeting on Leases

On 8 June 2015, a technical meeting between OIC Board members and the IASB Board member, Philippe Danjou, took place. The meeting focused on technical aspects featured in the future standard on leases. This...

IASB issues the ED Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting

The IASB published for public comment an Exposure Draft proposing a revised Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting.  The proposals aim to improve financial reporting by providing a more complete,...

IASB issues the ED Effective Date of IFRS 15 (Proposed amendments to IFRS 15)

The IASB has today published for consultation a proposal to defer the effective date of the revenue Standard, IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers, by one year to 1 January 2018. The Exposure Draft is...

OIC Annual report

Si è tenuta oggi a Roma presso Palazzo Altieri la presentazione della relazione sull’attività 2014 dell’OIC. Al convegno, oltre al Presidente del Consiglio di Sorveglianza dell’OIC, Paolo...
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