21 Luglio 2020 Commenti OIC sull’EFRAG draft endorsement advice su IASB Extension of the Temporary Exemption from Applying IFRS 9 (Amendments to IFRS 4) Commenti all'EFRAG
15 Luglio 2020 Commenti OIC sull’EFRAG draft endorsement advice su IASB Property, Plant and Equipment – Proceeds before Intended Use (Amendments to IAS 16) Commenti all'EFRAG
15 Luglio 2020 Commenti OIC sull’EFRAG draft endorsement advice su IASB Annual Improvements to IFRS Standards 2018-2020 Commenti all'EFRAG
26 Maggio 2020 Commenti OIC su IASB ED Interest Rate Benchmark Reform—Phase 2 (Proposed amendments to IFRS 9, IAS 39, IFRS 7, IFRS 4 and IFRS 16) Commenti allo IASB
26 Maggio 2020 Commenti OIC all’EFRAG draft endorsement advice su IASB Covid-19-Related Rent Concessions – Amendment to IFRS 16 Commenti all'EFRAG
26 Maggio 2020 Commenti OIC all’EFRAG draft comment letter su IASB ED Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-current—Deferral of Effective Date – (Proposed amendment to IAS 1) Commenti all'EFRAG
25 Maggio 2020 Commenti OIC allo IASB ED Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-current—Deferral of Effective Date – (Proposed amendment to IAS 1) Commenti allo IASB
15 Maggio 2020 Commenti OIC all’EFRAG draft comment letter su IASB ED Interest Rate Benchmark Reform—Phase 2 (Proposed amendments to IFRS 9, IAS 39, IFRS 7, IFRS 4 and IFRS 16) Commenti all'EFRAG
5 Maggio 2020 Commenti OIC su EFRAG draft comment letter su IASB ED Covid-19-Related Rent Concessions (Proposed amendments to IFRS 16) Commenti all'EFRAG