Appendice Targeted Amendments Provisions 14P

14 P In some situations, an entity has an obligation to transfer an economic resource only if a measure of its activity in a period (the assessment period) exceeds a specific threshold. In such situations, the action that meets the past-event condition is the activity that contributes to the total activity on which the amount of the transfer is assessed. At any date within the assessment period, the present obligation is a portion of the total expected obligation for the assessment period. It is the portion attributable to the activity carried out to date. The entity recognises a provision if the recognition criteria in paragraphs 14(b) and 14(c) are met—that is, if:

(a) it is probable that the entity’s activity will exceed the threshold and the entity will be required to transfer an economic resource (see paragraph 14(b)); and

(b) a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation (see paragraph 14(c)).

Last update

22 Gennaio 2025, 15:22

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